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Tier 1 coal mining company with underground longwall operations in Australia

The issue?

  • The mine received a non-conformance directive from an inspector due to tailgate STRATA monitoring device readings not being recorded.
  • A risk assessment deemed that there were real-time instruments installed in the tailgate roadway, but for data collection only: Not a part of their Trigger Action Response Plans (TARPs).
  • Mining operations would need to be stopped for 3 x 30-minute inspections per day to comply with the non-conformance directive, causing a considerable loss for the company.


The Solution!

A further risk assessment determined that a real-time STRATA monitoring system could be used for operational TARPs. TheNome RockMonitor system was implemented into the site process, with all personnel from the control room operators to mine deputies and underground operators receiving training on the system.

The live system can now be accessed and viewed by personnel underground, on the surface and even remotely from on-site.

Real-time monitoring in place in the tailgate roadway and incorporated into site operational processes to ensure that the mine complied with the non-conformance directive with the additional benefit of inspection frequency from 3 to 1 per day.

This has resulted in an extra 1 hour of additional longwall uptime per day!



By implementing the RockMonitor real-time STRATA system in the mine, the company have not only complied with the non-conformance directive received, but they’ve also gained an additional > USD 250,000 per day from increased operational uptime and real-time capability to respond to STRATA failure events, further reducing exposure to underground personnel and increasing safety across the site.

This operation received an ROI on production alone (without taking any safety benefits into account) with an ROI after only 1.5 days of their original investment!
